Friday, September 17, 2021

What would you most like to read?

 Over the last week or so, I've been trying to figure out what to focus on.  I've written over 2,400 blog posts  in the last 12 1/2 years or so.  A lot of people have read them.  Haven't made a dime off the writing itself, but I  built a following in the Old School BMX freestyle world, and sold a bunch of my Sharpie art to people in that world.  

But life has brought me back to the area where I first decided to "get serious" about writing, and try to write "something great," 30 years ago.  Now I have a pretty good grasp of how I write (and create in other ways), and why I write.  It became obvious it's time to move into a different part of my writing life.  

These times in between projects are the weirdest.  I'm kind of drifting on multiple levels, and this is a pivot away from trying to make money with my Sharpie art, to working more on writing.  As I thought about what direction to head next, I kept thinking of one of the best novels about writing I've read.  Seymor, an introduction, by J.D. Salinger.  I won't totally give it away, but there's a part where the older brother asks the younger, "What would you most want to read?  Write that.  

So that's what I've done the last 2 or 3 days.  I wanted to find what I was actually excited about writing.  An idea, a concept came together.  I have a direction again.  Feels good.  More on this project later.

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